Sales assessments used by billion-dollar corporations for more than 16 years. Over 47,000 candidates in 40 countries and rising.

Double your sales force!
By Mark Blezard
That’s right – double your sales force in a matter of minutes by taking a few, simple steps. And if you are a commissioned sales executive, read on too as this could double your paycheque!
In the 1950’s, a new sales phenomenon started: Tupperware parties. Earning from home, or supplementing income by selling door to door, was already common practice but what was unique about these Tupperware parties was their enablement of selling within a network of friends, relatives and neighbours. All of a sudden, housewives, househusbands, anyone, could enter the world of sales without ever experiencing the fear of cold calling.
In fact, many didn’t even consider themselves as ‘selling’, but they were! Millions of $$$s of goods were exchanging hands through the simple networking of friends.
So, what’s this got to do with your selling of industrial printers? How will it help you achieve your monthly sales target of 500 gallons of cooking oil? Well, consider this: there is a hidden Tupperware party in every sales organisation just waiting to be activated.
We’re talking of latent referrals and opportunities. Testimonials and references. Introductions and networking. The opportunities are endless.
Many sales executives cannot run out of a client’s office fast enough once a sale has been closed. ‘Got the order – quick, get out of there!’ Why? A multitude of reasons.
• They might be frightened the client will change their mind if the sale wasn’t conducted correctly.
• They might simply want to get out and phone their boss with pride.
• Or, sometimes, the whole process was so stressful, they are just glad to finish it…the “I’ve got one today so I’m done” mentality.
It’s a shame because the selling opportunities have only just begun. It’s “Tupperware time.” You see, the Tupperware men and women sold/sell pretty much through ‘friendly networks.’ There is no fear of rejection and they are genuinely helping others with great products at great prices.
So your last client should now be a new member of your ‘Tupperware family.’ This is what your sales force should be doing from here on. Or, if you are a ‘solo seller’, implement the following – right now!
1) Always ask for a referral. The client has just spent money improving their business with your solution so they trust you and, probably, would like to help a fellow business associate with your wisdom too.
2) If they are a long-standing client, ask for a testimonial. Make the most of online tools too such as Trustpilot or Feefo. There are dozens of options out there and these platforms are extremely important in a world where buyers tend to do their research online before accepting an appointment with you!
3) Suggest a ‘supplier open day’ with one of your key clients. Business owners are typically very proud of their empire so can be very receptive to the idea of a ‘joint supplier press day’ where you and a couple of other key suppliers stage an open day onsite. Front and centre is the client who demonstrates their great use of your services. Behind the scenes is not just you, but 3 or 4 other suppliers marketing the open day to their key clients too. The results can be truly amazing: a full day of rubbing shoulders with dozens of receptive prospects, all of whom have just seen your products in action.
4) When you sign up a new client for the first time, always diary a follow-up contact appointment. First, see how they are getting on but later build upon the relationship and the all-important referrals, not to mention up-selling and repeat orders. You’ve worked hard to win a new client – keep them yours!
Remember the power of referrals. One good, receptive client should yield you 14 more ‘Tupperware’ friends.

So, if you think cold calling is tough, remember this. You only need to unearth one single seam of Tupperware to become rich!